by Lesley Logan | Apr 13, 2016 | Blog
I (LL) love Coffee! I do. It’s amazing. Amazing because I love my coconut-milk hazelnut creamer. Above you’ll see a lovely coffee with almond milk, pressed juice and a gluten and dairy-free Fo-Nut. I guess what I meant to say is… I love sugar! See, I...
by brad | Apr 10, 2016 | Blog
Great time seeing Rich Redmond, drummer for Jason Aldean, at his first annual Los Angeles event called #CRASHwithRich. This year’s weekend was a three day workshop held at Musician’s Institute in Hollywood, CA, and culminated at Lucky Strike Hollywood,...
by Lesley Logan | Apr 7, 2016 | Blog
Yes, that is a photo from our Wedding! We know you’re dying to see the rest. We promise that we’ll make them public sooner than later. For now, in honor of 6 months of marriage we are sharing just one. The one with these Crows and a couple of crows. The...
by brad | Apr 3, 2016 | Blog
The idea to go to Tokyo was for four specific reasons (in no specific order): 1. Eat sushi from Jiro – we didn’t get reservations 2. Go to Tsukiji Market – it wasn’t open 3. See the Cherry Blossoms – we were days too early 4. Visit my...
by Lesley Logan | Mar 30, 2016 | Blog
During our travels we saw many, many signs. It was surprising how many were in English. Surprising and helpful. There are lots of these “helpful” signs to share. In fact, this will probably be the first of many “lost in translation” posts. The...